Fashion Mentorship Program

Personal One-on-One Mentoring Sessions for Getting  Tailored + Individual  Fashion Business Advice and Mentoring.

Fashion Mentoring

1 Hour Mentor Session

Private one-on-one mentoring session with a successful fashion industry insider

Tailored  Advice

Ask the questions you want- and get unlimited advice from an industry expert  for one hour. 

Immediate Results

What ever stage you are at in your fashion business- our tailored business mentoring advice will help you become unstuck and move forward quickly.


Tailored Business Mentoring To Give You The Best Chance To Succeed

Our Fashion Mentoring Program is for business start-ups.  We also help established fashion businesses grow.

Our team of business mentors have all run their own fashion companies. They understand the needs of a small business and have expertise across clothing, accessories, shoes and fashion jewellery.

Discover the fashion mentoring programme that has helped 100s of designers and entrepreneurs create successful fashion businesses that last.

You can speak with one of our fashion mentors on a ‘Pay as You Go’ basis. This is a great way to access guidance and feedback on a specific issue.

Get first hand advice from people who know how to start a fashion business. Receive vital support during stressful or challenging times, or simply get the advice you need to rapidly increase your sales.

What ever it may be- we are here to help!

Our  mentoring sessions are $200 (AUD) per hour. 

You can book your session here.

All our mentors work full time in their own fashion businesses, and take mentoring calls on top of their own work schedule. This gives our students access to real industry professionals that can give authentic and transparent advice first hand.


Who Will Benefit From A Mentoring Session

If you intend to start your own fashion line or business in the next 12 months

If you have already started your own label or business and want professional advice on increasing sales

If you need help on where to manufacture your designs and need help with contacts

If you already have your own fashion business- but want help on expanding it into new markets

If you would like specific advice on fashion business and marketing matters

Fashion Mentoring Program- Enquiry

( Mentoring sessions need pre-approval from our mentor team.  This is so we can make sure that we can help you with your concerns or areas requiring advice-  before the session is booked.  This guarantees that you  will the most value from the session, and your money.)

Fashion Mentorship Program
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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